The Mahindra Thar is a compact, four-wheel drive, off-road two-door SUV manufactured by Indian automaker Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd. It was introduced in October 4, 2010 and replaced the Mahindra Major. It is the latest iteration in Mahindra's line of licensed CJ-3B Willys Jeep based off-roading oriented vehicles.
Named after the Thar Desert, Thar was first introduced in 2010 as a modernized version of the Mahindra Major, which was based on the Mahindra MM540, which was in production in India since the 1980s.
The Thar was designed to be a rugged, reliable, and affordable off-road vehicle that could handle the rough terrain found in many parts of India. Its design is based on the Jeep CJ series, which Mahindra had been producing under license since the 1940s.
The Mahindra Thar has been well received by both off-road enthusiasts and the general public in India. It has become a popular vehicle for adventure enthusiasts, as it is capable of handling some of the most challenging terrains in India.
The vehicle was launched in the Indian market on October 4, 2010[1] to fill the void left by its predecessor, the Mahindra MM540. Three variants - DI 2WD, DI 4WD, and CRDe, are available with soft-top versions. The Thar also comes with a seven-seater option, though it can be converted into a two-seater.
It was powered by a 2.5-liter turbocharged diesel engine that produced 63 horsepower (47 kW; 64 PS) and 182 N⋅m (134 lb⋅ft) of torque. The vehicle was available in two trim levels: the DI 2WD and the DI 4WD. The DI 2WD was a basic version that came with a soft top and no air conditioning, while the DI 4WD came with air conditioning and a hardtop.
In 2015, Mahindra introduced an updated version of the Thar called the Thar CRDe. CRDe is an acronym for "common rail diesel engine," which was a more advanced engine that produced 105 horsepower (78 kW; 106 PS) and 247 N⋅m (182 lb⋅ft) of torque. The Thar CRDe also had updated safety features, such as airbags and ABS, and was available in two trim levels: the CRDe 4WD and the CRDe 4WD AC.