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This compound wall is a precast concrete wall used for easy installation. It consists of reinforced concrete panels between strong RCC pillars. These walls do not require bricks or plastering. It is prefabricated and ready for use, so it is easy and economical for boundary walls.
One of the biggest advantages of anRCC Folding Compound Wall is that it can be installed very quickly. Because the wall panels are prefabricated, they can be installed in a very short time, unlike traditional brick walls. This not only saves on labor costs but also on construction time. Another advantage is that it is durable. This compound wall resists weather changes, termites, and fire. It neither cracks nor breaks down under load, withstanding stress over the long term. These walls are also low maintenance and budget-friendly. They are suitable for use in homes as well as in business spaces.
These are commonly used to fence industrial sites, residential plots, warehouses, and agricultural fields. These walls are preferred by most factories and companies as they are highly secure and can be easily installed. Homeowners install compound walls to develop private boundaries around their properties. They are also used in schools, hospitals, and other institutions for security and privacy. Tarbandi offers high-quality compound walls that can help you secure your property at reasonable prices.