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Numerology Seed Sowing Cycle – A Journey to Understanding the Nature of Each Person
What is the numerology seeding cycle?
The numerology seeding cycle is one of the three important stages (sowing, ripening and harvesting) of each person's life.
This cycle is considered the first stage, the period for you to sow seeds and try to explore and train yourself.
The numerology seeding stage is calculated from the time you are born until you are 26 years old or until you are 34 years old at the latest (depending on your life path number). During this stage, you are curious and want to explore yourself. You strive to understand yourself better by constantly asking questions about your goals and passions in life.
In addition, the seeding cycle is not only related to learning about yourself but also about you confronting powerful forces that contribute to shaping who you really are. These are family, friends and social and economic factors. These factors all have long-term effects on you in every aspect, including your mental health.
How to calculate the numerology seeding cycle
The seeding cycle in Pythagorean numerology consists of two elements: the number corresponding to that cycle and the duration of the cycle.
How to calculate the number corresponding to the seeding cycle:
This number is determined based on the month of birth on your birth certificate.
How to calculate the duration of the numerology seeding cycle:
To calculate this period of time, you need to rely on the first peak number in your life. Normally, each person's life will experience 4 numerology peaks. In the seedling stage, it will correspond to the first peak. The first peak is calculated by taking the number 36 minus your master number (life path number).
The numerology seeding cycle consists of two elements: the number corresponding to that cycle and the duration of the cycle.
What do the numbers corresponding to the numerology seeding cycle mean?
With each number in the numerology seed sowing cycle, the seeds represent distinct meanings, helping you to recognize what your early life journey will be like.
Number 1
If you have number 1 in the first stage of your life, then from a young age, you have the ability to stand out for your creativity.
This is a difficult cycle because independence is not suitable for youth. It creates an influence for you to become different, independent and assertive. When you insist on doing things your way, you encounter conflicts with those in charge (parents or relatives, ...).
Number 2
When you have number 2 in the numerology seed sowing cycle, you love cooperation and you are considered the best friend of those around you.
In addition, the first part of your life is an extremely sensitive and emotional cycle. During the number 2 stage, you develop best in a peaceful environment where there is loving guidance. This is a good time to enhance your emotional energy and relieve stress through art, while also cultivating listening and adaptability.
Number 3
If you have a number 3 in the early stages of your life, then from a young age you have shown great artistic talent and live in a world of dreams and fantasies. During puberty, you are likely to possess charm, a gift for speaking and will develop a confident, lively personality during this number 3 stage.
Number 4
If you have a number 4 in your numerology seed cycle, you will soon develop a solid foundation for your life. The clear determination in the way you act is decisive for your future. As you get older, towards the end of this cycle, you will show sobriety and practicality in everything.
In addition, during the number 4 period, you do not easily express your emotional needs but you still want to be loved and praised by many people. In the early stages of life, you should learn to work with your hands and wait for the opportunity to cultivate your emotions at the right time.
Number 5
If you have number 5 in your seeding period, you have difficulty deciding which direction to take at this time and your choices are inconsistent. You also go through a difficult childhood, feeling extremely confused and dissatisfied with many things. However, as you move towards the end of the cycle, you are likely to develop strong inner strength and become more attractive.