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Inner Number in Numerology
What is the Inner Number in Numerology?
The Inner Number is the number that appears most often in the name chart. It is the number that develops more strongly than other numbers and is expressed through your personality.
When analyzing a person, the Inner Number will supplement information, helping you understand more about that person's inner self and psychology. Especially when personality manifestations are not clearly shown through separate indicators.
Meaning of Inner Numbers in Numerology
Inner Number 1
Numerology number 1 in the inner index has a very strong fighting spirit, as long as you have enough strength, you always move forward. You have a big ego, personality, and independence. You always want to win and rush into races and competitions. You have high leadership qualities.
Inner Number 1 can also be autocratic, selfish, oppressive, and competitive.
Inner Number 2
Numerology number 2 in the inner index has a family orientation. You always want to have a warm and happy family. You also want to have a harmonious living and working environment with friends and colleagues. You want all relationships to be affectionate and good.
If a relationship breaks down or cracks, you will feel insecure. Children with Inner Number 2 are often vulnerable and cry a lot.
You are also a person rich in emotions and intuition. You have very good intuition. Your feelings about people and things are often accurate. Your name chart in numerology is very beautiful if you have the number 2 and all the other numbers
Inner Number 3
Creativity is the characteristic of the inner number 3. You are full of associations, creative solutions. You are also a cheerful, humorous, friendly person. You are good at communicating, connecting and often bring joy, inspiration and creativity.
Numerology number 3 in the inner number is like a child, always shining and loved by everyone. You always need to interact with people.
Inner Number 4
The inner number 4 is a person who seeks truth, reason, clarity, truth. You not only seek but can also fight for it. Numerology number 4 in the inner number is a person who is honest, sincere and acts according to reason. But you can also be conservative, stubborn and prone to arguments and quarrels.
Introvert Number 5
Introvert Number 5 is a passionate person who enjoys life. You are often present at festivals, parties, like to gather with friends, like to travel, like to explore and experience.
Numerology number 5 in the Introvert Index is energetic and adventurous. But you should be careful with negative pleasures such as sex, alcohol, gambling, etc. You should also be careful with spending because you are prone to overspending and overindulging.
Introvert Number 6
Introvert Number 6 carries the loving energy of a mother. You tend to care, take care and help others.
Numerology number 6 in the Introvert Index is caring but often worried, not at ease when watching others work, so you often interfere, do things for them. If you let that continue, you will be very tired. You need to share your work and tasks with others.
Intuitive Number 7
Intuitive Number 7 is mysterious and difficult to understand. You do not want people to know your work. Your thoughts can be so far beyond others that they may not understand anything if you speak out. With such things, you often keep quiet, and only share with those who think the same or with those who can understand and seek advice.
Numerology number 7 in the Intuitive Index tends to be philosophical, ideological and has a strong spirit. When you share your knowledge and wisdom, your persuasive power is great. The power of persuasion comes from your logic, knowledge and strong spirit.
You are knowledgeable, emotional and quite gentle and sweet. But there are times when you are harsh with bitter words.
Intuitive Number 8
Intuitive Number 8 is a good businessman and often spends a lot of time on work.
Just listen to advice, understand the inner needs of others, numerology number 8 in the Intuition Quotient will be successful.
Intuition Number 9
Intuition Number 9 is a person with a heart for everyone. You are generous, caring and loved. People tend to trust you naturally and you also have innate leadership qualities.
Numerology Number 9 in the Intuition Quotient is open-minded and has an international orientation. You can go abroad, work with foreign elements.