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How to calculate the 4 peaks of human life in numerology and their meanings
Numerology Peaks
Numerology Peaks are a concept related to important milestones in life based on numerological factors, especially numbers related to birth date, name, or numbers that affect people throughout their lives.
In numerology, one of the important concepts is the Life Path Number, calculated from a person's date of birth. This is the main number to determine the direction, career, personality and challenges that the person will face in life. Important milestones in a person's life can be associated with major and minor cycles in numerology, each cycle carrying different meanings and lessons.
The meaning of the 4 peaks of life
Peak 1:
This is the first stage, often related to personal growth, self-discovery and building a foundation for the future.
It shows the lessons and opportunities we will encounter in the early stages of life.
Peak 2:
This stage often focuses on relationships, career and building stability in life.
It shows the challenges and opportunities related to cooperation, balance and success in these areas.
Peak 3:
This is the stage of creativity, self-expression and contribution to the community.
It shows the potential and abilities we can develop to create meaningful values.
Peak 4:
This final stage is often associated with maturity, wisdom, and leaving a legacy.
It shows the lessons and opportunities for us to achieve fulfillment and contribute to the next generation.
How to calculate the 4 peaks of human life in numerology
Step 1: Reduce the numbers of the day, month, and year of birth
Prepare yourself a piece of paper, then write down the date, month, and year of your solar birth on the paper, then add them all together until there is only one digit left.
Step 2: Form 2 pyramids on the lowest level
Next step, draw 2 triangles in the shape of a pyramid, connected in the middle as shown below, you will see 3 points at the base. These 3 points include:
Pyramid diagram with 4 peaks
The first position on the left will be the first base, write the month of birth number below.
In the middle position, where the 2 pyramids intersect, called the second base, fill in the accumulated date of birth number below.
For the remaining third base, write the accumulated year of birth number below.
Step 3: The first 2 pyramid peaks are formed
After completing step 2, the peaks of the 2 pyramids on the 2nd level can be easily formed. By adding the number at the first base with the second base, you will get the number to fill in the top of the first pyramid on the left.
Similarly, take the number at the second base and add it to the third base to get the number to fill in the top of the pyramid next to it. Note that each peak can only be written with 1 single digit, so if the result of the addition of the base is 2 digits, add them together until there is only 1 digit left!
Step 4: Forming the last 2 peaks of the pyramid
After completing the above 3 steps, our pyramid diagram will only have the last 2 peaks left. To complete the 2 peaks, you just need to perform a simple addition according to the following instructions:
The peak of the next pyramid level will be calculated by adding the 2 numbers at the two pyramid peaks you found in step 3.
The remaining peak of the pyramid chart is calculated by taking the number at the first base and adding it to the third base.
Step 5: Assemble the 4 peaks of the pyramid corresponding to your age
At step 5, apply the following formulas to calculate the age at each peak of the pyramid:
The first peak is 36 - the main number
The second peak is equal to the age at peak 1 + 9
The third peak is equal to the age at peak 2 + 9
The fourth peak is equal to the age at peak 3 + 9