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If you or a loved one is seeking the best neurologist for epilepsy treatment in Bhubaneswar, Dr. P R Bhuyan provides dedicated and expert care. With years of specialized experience, Dr. Bhuyan understands the unique challenges epilepsy brings and is committed to helping patients achieve better health outcomes through customized treatment plans. From comprehensive diagnostic evaluations to personalized medication strategies, Dr. Bhuyan is here to guide you every step of the way. Why Choose Dr. P R Bhuyan? Specialized Epilepsy Care with a focus on minimizing symptoms. Personalized Treatment Plans based on individual needs. Compassionate and Professional Approach to patient care. Take the first step toward effective epilepsy management with Dr. P R Bhuyan’s best neurologist for epilepsy treatment in Bhubaneswarexpert care and guidance.Contact now +91-9776200111