It is free to post ads on However, you can upgrade your free ads for addtional fees. Here are the upgrade options:
1. Highlighted ad: $5. one time fee. Your ad will be highlighted with a bright attention grabbing color to distinguish your ad from the free ads. Your ads will stand out from the crowd! Upgrade duration: 90 days.
2. Premium ad: $5. one time fee. Your ad will be placed in rotation in the Premium ads section which is located at the top of your category and on our home page. Upgrade duration: 90 days
3. 3 in 1 Pack- $20. one time fee. Your ad is listed in the premium sections, highlighted, and will be bumped to the top of the free section automatically every day for 90 days.
4. Repostng of expired free ads: $5. one time fee. 90 day duration.
5. Bump to the top: $5. Your ad will be bumped to the top of the free listings one time.
You may upgrade your free ads at the end of the ad posting process for free ads.
You may also log into your account and upgrade ads free ads that have already been posted by clicking on "premium services."
You may also choose to buy credits at a discount. You can purchase $50. worth of advertising credits for just $30.
This saves you money over buying individual upgrades. You can do this from within your account.
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